Saturday, October 24, 2009

yams. they are beautiful and I can't stop drawing them

Fun to have Tommy back home...last night he's prepping chickens for a dinner party tonight...breaking their backbones out. It looks like performing Shiatsu on the chickens...meanwhile i'm still drawing sweet potatoes.
When my mom called and i told her this she said "what is so interesting about potatoes?"
more tomorrow after meal...


another music in a different kitchen said...

ha just noticed more sweet potato drawing behind tommys chickening

Deborah said...

just tell your mom, "i can't help finding the beauty in sweet potatoes. i yam what i yam."

i never thought of yams as beautiful until this post. who knew? well, clearly you did.

another music in a different kitchen said...

Haha, Deborah, yuk yuk!
it's true though.