Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Xmas eve 2012

The world didn't end....all calm and lovely......ravioli making nite.....about 1/2 c spinach very well drained, blend in cuisinart with 1 cup wheat and 1 cup unbleached white four, about 1/2 c warm water and 2 T olive oil, blend til dough. Let rest, roll superthin. We filled with a pint of Ricotta mixed w one egg, s and p, and about a 1/4 cup mozarella and some parmy beat in. Then I threw in about 2 cups of arugula. Funny thing, when we ate it, with the tomato cream pesto sauce we made, we realized it was green and red, unwittingly. Merry Xmas! It's a Wonderful Life on channel 5.

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