and, on method, it's "enough beef stock to COVER (not bovver) the meat"
scuse my impatient typings. It's one fab stew. Tastes better if you make it the day before which makes is perfect for dinner parties. Serve over homemade noodles, or smashed potato, or sweet potato.....
ahh the stew...it was delicious!!! on top of smashed potatoes....

Yesterday started stew recipe. i like to let it sit for a day....while it was simmering i got inspired...supposedly Escoffier made the first version of boueff bourguinon in France. I most likely spelled that wrong but i don't care. So i sketched him. Then today, while warming stew sketched Julia. Her stew became famous, too. Now thinnking of printing tea towel series of the great chefs...

Yesterday started stew recipe. i like to let it sit for a day....while it was simmering i got inspired...supposedly Escoffier made the first version of boueff bourguinon in France. I most likely spelled that wrong but i don't care. So i sketched him. Then today, while warming stew sketched Julia. Her stew became famous, too. Now thinnking of printing tea towel series of the great chefs...
Later stew recipe + photos...
I don't know if you're just being funny, but I love the idea of chef tea towels, and I'd be the first to order a set. Amazing what you get around to doing when your stew is simmering!
Yes, serious, and oh you are so sweet and i'd love for you and G to possess some of my tea towels...i dream of them hanging over the aga range....i've just signed up for the silk screening time, but not til late march. Thank you my dear friend and only reader!
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