Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Strudel Part 1

Homemade strudel dough is such a delicious revelation. It's pretty easy to make, and meditative, because it's not a quick process. Sort of a Zen metaphor for life - you have to let it stretch, slowly. You can't force it or it will tear. So, you need patience and to be very gentle. The idea is to slowly nudge it thinner and thinner, using your knuckles (no rings!) to pull from the center. Until you have a big beautiful sheet of dough to roll up. I think it's easier to work with than frozen filo - as that can be frustrating as it dries out so quickly.

Today I sort of feel like a strudel dough.  Just when you think it can't be stretched any thinner, hey, viola! Seems it can. It's translucent, but it's a resilient little dough.

Here's a very nice recipe, for sweet or savory fillings (makes 2 large strudels). Make ahead and fridge overnight. Let sit at room temp one hour before stretching.

2 cups bread flour
2 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1 stick (8 T) butter, room temp
1 t salt
2 eggs
1 cup warm water
1 t lemon juice or vinegar

Mix all with dough hook in kitchen aid mixer til comes together, adding a tad more water if needed.
Knead into smooth ball, wrap tightly with plastic wrap and fridge or freeze.

Process: on a clean floured tablecloth, begin to roll dough and then slowly stretch it. If it bounces back let it rest for a few minutes before continuing. YOu should almost be able to see through it when fully stretched. If it tears, just repair the hole. (Good to have a friend at the other end of the table to help pull - a bit more challenging to do alone).
 Brush dough with melter butter then, and then for savory filling, sprinkle with breadcrumbs (and parmesean cheese as shown here for a spinach mushroom filling). For a sweet filling, sprinkle with cake crumbs.

 Place (cooled!) filling along one egde of strudel and slowly roll up, tucking in the sides as you go.
 Brush rolled strudel with more butter and bread crumbs.
 A curved shape is a nice way to finish. I'm going to freeze this one for later. When ready to serve, bake 35 to 40 minutes in a 350 oven til nicely browned. Cool, slice with a serrated knife, and serve.
*The spinach mush filling I used is pretty tasty. If anyonehas interest, I'll supply.

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