Saturday, August 13, 2011

What you can do with a 2ft cucumber / Carol's premiere garden party

Shake up refreshing icy batches of cucumber mint martinis.....

make a sugar syrup by placing one cup sugar and one cup water in a saucepan, bring to boil, boil for 5 minutes, set aside to cool
Squeeze in the juice of a fresh lemon.

in food processor (or w mortar and pestle) whiz about 6 slices cucumber with about 4 large sprigs of fresh mint

in cocktail shaker, fill with ice. Pour in 2 shots of gin, about 4 T of the sugar syrup and the cucumber mash. Shake it all up

strain into 2 martini glasses.

Enjoy. repeat as many x as necessary. frolic in garden w girlfriends.

eat w bruschetta w white bean dip, artichokes and mint