Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fun weekend

made maki rolls, veg, and then biking to the zoo next morning to see the scary Cheetah cat.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Toffee Favors

Pistachio, and vanilla w/ Flower decos

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

one of my favorite corners

For Tommy, if you are homesick this week. I love this corner of our house, it makes me so happy. Got the tiki a new plant friend, too. I love that it will be winter soon but in our living room all the plants and tiki are back lit just like a beach in Hawaii by night. I love plants. They are my favorite kind of pet.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What you can do with a 2ft cucumber / Carol's premiere garden party

Shake up refreshing icy batches of cucumber mint martinis.....

make a sugar syrup by placing one cup sugar and one cup water in a saucepan, bring to boil, boil for 5 minutes, set aside to cool
Squeeze in the juice of a fresh lemon.

in food processor (or w mortar and pestle) whiz about 6 slices cucumber with about 4 large sprigs of fresh mint

in cocktail shaker, fill with ice. Pour in 2 shots of gin, about 4 T of the sugar syrup and the cucumber mash. Shake it all up

strain into 2 martini glasses.

Enjoy. repeat as many x as necessary. frolic in garden w girlfriends.

eat w bruschetta w white bean dip, artichokes and mint