Will post recipe soon, but made the most authentic pad thai recipe that i've ever attempted (it has never tasted like the restaurants does when i've made it before). After initially feeling a bit intimidated I finally asked the nice lady in the thai grocery to help me find such ingredients as tamarind paste, preserved pressed tofu, palm sugar, salted dried radish, tiny dried shrimp - aisles and aisles of similar looking stuff and it was hard to know which one things were needed. She was amused and sort of giggling at me but helped...our version ended up with beef and shrimp and was delicious...
and, both of us having so many loads of fun in our silkscreening classes. My first prints of the chef tea towel series underway. Escoffier has been burned onto the screen with photo emulsion and hosed off and he's looking pretty good.
It is fun to be among artists in studios again.
Update - as i'm typing, tommy walks in (he's working on his art in the kitchen) and asks where the gold glitter is.
I now wonder what is going on in there....
Ah....even fresher update! he came in again and kissed my neck followed by exquisite back rubbing that is making typing difficult...am no longer concerned about glitter mess
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