Raw kale salads, who knew? all of the sudden they were everywhere and now I can't eat enough of them. Thanks to my friend Nicholas who turned me on to the brilliant combo of avocado with - yields the perfect mix of soft and creamy and crunchy.
Yesterday that's all I had in the house, and it's one delicious salad.
My favorite so far, though, is to add garbanzo beans and feta, with the kale avocado combo.
But whatever you have in your fridge will be good!
They key is to toss the kale with your vinaigrette and let it sit about 10 minutes - while the coating softens the leaves a bit.
juice of 1/2 lemon (or lemon and lime is nice)
2-3 T white balsamic vinegar
3-4 T olive oil
Kosher salt/ fresh ground pepper (to taste)
whisk til opaque, toss liberally w/your kale salad.
Let sit about 10 minutes b4 consuming. Grind a grind of fresh pepper on top! Et Viola!!
It's a super food. I feel like Popeye when I eat this.